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✨ At home with Country House Bed & Breakfast - Sharing ideas for ways to enjoy your home more! ✨

Idea # 1 of 5 -

Add color to a room with bright coffee table books and magazines...and actually allow yourself time to READ them!!! 💖💚💛💙❤️💜

Idea # 2 of 5 -

Keep the centerpiece fresh with local produce! Decor you can eat!!! 🍏🍐🍏🍐🍏

Idea # 3 of 5 -

Apply a fresh coat of paint! A neutral palette is recommended as a backdrop for furniture and colorful accents to really pop! 🎨🎨🎨

Idea # 4 of 5 -

Make sure all your light bulbs and batteries are working! Also, try to de-clutter as much as possible! Keep the surfaces clear to feel more organized and have the home appear more spacious! 💡💖💡💖💡

Idea # 5 of 5 -

Bring items out of storage for decor inspiration! What decor treasure do you own? 💝


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